이승구 Seung, Koo Lee

2002   B.F.A Chung, ang University in sculpture major, Korea

2005   Staatliche Kunsthochschule in Kiel, Germany, Vordiplom

2008   Die Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste Stuttgart bei Prof. Maliela Mosler, Germany, Diplom

Solo Exhibition

2014 "The First Grade", Parkview Green Art, Beijing, China 

2012 "Brainwashing", Pyo Gallery, Seovi, Kocea

2011 "Love is in the air", Galerie Z, Stuttgart, Germany

        "Three Naughty Boys, The Airs Circulation", Pyo Gallery, Beijing, China

2010"Three Naughty Boys", Pyo Gallery, Seou, Korea

        "Three Naughty Boys", Yintai Center, Beijing, China

2009"Three Naughty Boys", Pyo Gallery, Beijing, China

        "Free Brainwashing", Galerie 21, Braunschweig, Germany


2015"ART B